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Seacrest Celebrates the Nifty ‘50s During National Assisted Living Week   

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Seacrest AL Week 2023

The Terraces at Seacrest Village marked National Assisted Living Week® in September with a delightful journey into the 1950s, allowing assisted living residents to relive the era’s cherished moments through various activities. The theme of “Season of Reflection” inspired unique and engaging programs to foster a sense of community and enjoyment. Established by the National Center for Assisted Living, this event serves as a platform to acknowledge the significance of assisted living care for seniors and individuals with disabilities. The choice of the ’50s, known for the baby boom, the rise of Rock ‘n’ Roll, and the suburban lifestyle, perfectly suited the personality of Seacrest’s assisted living community. The week featured themed events, historical discussions, and an “Outrageous Friday” party, creating cherished memories and a special week for all involved. The Terraces at Seacrest Village offers a fulfilling, worry-free lifestyle with beautifully appointed apartments and gourmet dining for assisted living residents. They can also access the necessary services, including rehab care at the nearby Seacrest Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center.

Read the full press release here.

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