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The Terraces at Seacrest Village Celebrates National Centenarian’s Day  

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Senior Resident Agnes Goetz

In preparation for National Centenarian’s Day on September 22, 2023, The Terraces at Seacrest Village in Little Egg Harbor, N.J., is celebrating their centenarian resident, Agnes Goetz, who will soon turn 100. The senior living community is seizing the opportunity to share Goetz’s lifetime experiences, spanning from the Great Depression to the digital age, with the entire community. Goetz’s advice to young people is to “Keep learning, because life never stops teaching.” Kelly Reilly, the executive director, is inspired by Goetz’s rich life and wisdom, emphasizing her as a source of inspiration for all. The Terraces offers a fulfilling lifestyle for assisted living residents with access to various services, including rehab care at the nearby Seacrest Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center.

See the press release here.

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